Tag Archive | Ebb and Flo

Logo Design: Ebb & Flo

Time’s rapidly running out on the University clock for many of us, and while some of us struggle to get everything sorted out and printed last minute (i.e: me) others have not only managed to get designs finalised, but have also somehow found the cash to expand into actual merchandise (honestly, I don’t know how they do it) – I refer to the creative team of my younger brother Jon, and his partner in crime Ms. Megan Morris, and the Ebb & Flo project in particular.

Jon and Megan have always been beach bunnies, and have successfully introduced both my parents to body boarding and wetsuits (an impressive feat in itself) so I wasn’t surprised to hear that Megan was working on her own surfing brand. However, after a week of stressing out over Facebook about not being able to come up with a name for her brand she actually liked, we decided to put our brains together and hash out a few possibilities. Eventually we both agreed that ‘Ebb and Flo’ worked best, as I personally enjoyed the three letter stackable nature of the words, and my brain was already coming up with logo ideas. I spent a fun hour doodling in my sketchbook, then jotted out this inked version in about 20 minutes:

As I say, it was only quick, but I liked rubiks-cube like order of the design, and how the wave was integrated into the lettering (the sweep of the wave carving out the shape of the ‘L’ in particular) and Megan liked it so much she asked to use it along side her own design (a much fancier and more professional looking logo, but hey, she IS a Graphic Designer!) and that it would appear on Ebb & Flo merchandise, and maybe even a surf board! Anyway, I told Megan that the design was hers to do with as she pleases, all I asked in return was a free sample and sure enough, my T-shirt came through the post today!

As you can see, the design received a few tweaks here and there to neaten it up a bit, and I think it looks great 🙂 You can see Megan’s logo design on the label and tag, here’s a close up including my own ‘tag’ which I use to sign most of my work:

The tag has just been photo-shopped on here to show what it would look like; the majority of the clothing features Megan’s design, so it would have cost more than they had at the time to do two separate labels, but that’s fine with me – it still looks great to see my tag up there… looks like I’m an actual, real-life designer or something :/ You can see what I mean about Megan’s logo design though, it really does seem to ebb and flow… clever girl… *bonus points for dinosaur related quote*

Anyway, I’m sure you don’t want to see me in mine, so here is Jon and Megan modelling their own goods (vain or what? :P) in front of some poor bloke’s garage door… come on guys, he’s late for work already, and it’s the third time this week…



You can find Ebb & Flo on facebook or twitter, and they currently have a website under construction – www.ebbandflo.co – and they’re both lovely people (yes, even my brother, what can i say, he doesn’t get it from me…) so I’m sure they would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Megan and Jon both study at Newport University, and both graduate this year. Jon’s degree will be in animation, and he’s currently working on an awesome little film that i can’t wait to share with you all once it’s finished – watch this space!